


  • 1 Gallon Jar
  • 1 coffee filter
  • 1 rubberband
  • 1 Scoby
  • 1 cup organic cane sugar
  • 3 tea bags your choice
  • filtered water
  • 1 cup liquid from previous batch


1.) Save 1 cup of liquid from the previous batch and set aside with the scoby. Add more liquid to scoby so it doesn't dry out while cooling. 
2.) Heat water and when it is ready, make tea with the teabags (3 tea bags). Let soak for about 15-20 minutes. 
3.) Add 1 cup of  organic cane sugar to gallon jar. Add filtered water and fill about half way up. Add tea to container. Note*- Add tea to jar while still warm but not hot. If it is very hot, it could crack the jar. The warmth of the tea helps the sugar dissolve. 
4.) Let cool down to room temperature. 72-85 degrees. Remove tea bags if you have not already. Add in the scoby and 1 cup of liquid from the previous batch of kombucha. Stir and test with a PH strip. PH should be below 4. 
5.) Add coffee filter to top of jar and secure with the rubber band. Set jar aside for a week to a few weeks. After 1 week the kombucha will be sweet and will loose sweetness the longer it sits.
6.) Add flavoring when bottling the kombucha. Add lemon juice, dried orange or lemon slices, chopped ginger...experiment. Let sit for a least a week to gain carbonation during the second fermentation process.